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Cultivating Compassionate Care

Group of people posing for a photo.


In 2004, Deborah Coolhart G’01, G’06, 婚姻与家庭治疗系(MFT)教授 David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics at Syracuse University, 在她的私人诊所里,是否收到了太多的跨性别客户咨询请求,她无法应付. To remedy the situation—and ensure gender affirming therapy 她建立了今天所知的跨性别支持小组(Trans Team),. MFT的研究生——组成了这个团队——接受专门的培训,为跨性别者和LBGTQ+社区的其他成员及其家庭提供咨询服务. “我总是告诉人们,永远不要低估一个肯定声音的价值,”库哈特说. “很多时候,跨性别者被各种各样的负面情绪所淹没,只要有一个人支持他们,就能拯救他们的生命.”

Trans people navigate a host of personal and societal challenges. 他们可能会在家庭接受和过渡过程中遇到问题,这可能会引发焦虑和抑郁, says MFT teaching professor Tristan Martin G’20. And while seeking support and understanding, they’re often subjected to oppression and discrimination. According to the Trans Legislation Tracker, 目前,全美各州立法机构正在审议500多项反跨性别法案. “A handful of states have passed anti-trans laws, and that’s a major stressor for the trans community,” Martin says.

A group of people talking in a front of a room.

Marriage and family therapy professors Deb Coolhart G’01, g06(左)在四月份的团队月度会议上的讨论中.

Gaining Clinical Experience

MFT学生通过在该部门的夫妻和家庭治疗中心的临床工作获得经验, 为当地居民和大学社区提供免费咨询服务. 学生完成500小时的有监督的实习和个人临床实践, couples and families. They learn to write letters of support for trans clients, 通过激素治疗和医疗程序帮助一个人开始转变的第一步. 马丁说:“如果你肯定和支持别人的经历,那就会很有力量。. “Our students are budding therapists, so I don’t expect them to know how to do all the interventions, but if they can listen and validate clients, that’s all it really takes sometimes.”

Sophie Widdekind and Lynnie West talking at a table.


According to MFT clinic director Tyler Sliker G’14, 该中心约25%的客户是跨性别者或在某种程度上不符合性别的人. “这些人占客户的比例比我们的学生在社区实习中有机会接触到的要高得多,” Sliker says. “我们的社区知道,我们专门培训学生为这一群体服务, 所以我们是跨性别和非二元性别人群的推荐来源之一.”

We work on preparing this event all year, 但这是一种爱的劳动,为社区做这件事是一种荣幸.

Kirsten Mathieson G’24

许多参加该项目的学生都对与LGBTQ+社区合作有特殊的兴趣. 25岁的跨性别团队成员乔赛亚·帕克(Josiah Parker)是一家社区卫生中心的开发总监,后来他转移了专业重点,加入了the MFT graduate program after hearing Coolhart give a presentation. 帕克说:“我喜欢这个项目,它的重点是吸引我的地方. 25岁的Indigo Vooris对与情侣合作很感兴趣,成为跨性别团队的一员让他们下定了决心. “我们创造了一个极好的社区空间,我在日常生活中感到得到了支持,”Vooris说. “For me, Trans团队最特别的地方是它融入了我们正在学习的所有神奇的东西.”

People working on decorations.

Trans Team members (clockwise from left) Lia Figurelli ’22, G’25, Nora Cyr G’24, Kalila Taylor G’24, McKenzie Leahey G’25, and Alyssa Urteaga G’24 make decorations for Trans Support Day.

Coolhart和Martin定期与Trans Team成员会面,讨论案例并提供培训和指导. 跨队总裁柯尔斯顿·马西森和副总裁加比·普雷苏蒂24岁,他们建立了球队 registered student organization in 2023—say the team likes to celebrate client wins together, such as completing their name change or a medical procedure. “拥有一个肯定和支持他们需求的社区,并为他们想要的东西辩护,对他们很多人来说意味着一切,” Presutti says. “有时候,我们是他们生命中唯一支持他们、敞开心扉的人, loving and caring to their needs.”

Charlye Rosamilla at a table with Yike Tang.

Q中心工作人员Charlye Rosamilia(左)和Trans Team成员Yike Tang G ' 24在Trans支持日探访.

Bringing a Community Together

A major undertaking for the Trans Team is organizing and hosting Trans Support Day. At this year’s event, held on a snowy Saturday in March, 该团队连续第二年接待了240多名客人. 这是一个庆祝的日子,有社区资源代表和保健提供者参加, a free clothing store, hair and makeup stylists and other offerings. “We work on preparing this event all year, 但这是一种爱的劳动,为社区做这件事是一种荣幸,” Mathieson says.

The outside of the free clothing store on Trans Support Day.

The free clothing store is a popular place on Trans Support Day, offering non-gendered items for visitors. Pictured (from left) are Trans Team members Josiah Parker G’25, Chloe Osborne G’25, Sophia Widdekind G’25, Yike Tang G’24 and Heidy Montes G’24.

Casen, a Syracuse resident, attended the event for the second time. 大约两年前,在家人和朋友的支持下,他开始了自己的转变. Others, he says, aren’t as fortunate in gaining acceptance. 他很感激跨性别者支持日将所有可用的服务集中在一个地方,让人们可以在一个安全的空间接受信息和交谈. “People can come to Trans Support Day and be themselves, be safe and appreciated, and just have fun,” he says. “I know when I am surrounded by people who understand and accept me, 这肯定了我和我的性别,让我对自己感觉很好. 这对很多跨性别群体的人来说也很重要,因为他们不知道该去哪里, 他们可以了解在他们的旅程中迈出每一步所需的资源.”

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